On 4 May 1994, in Cairo, Arafat and Rabin signed a peace agreement. For four months, Amos Gitai followed the events leading up to the event and chronicled public reactions on both sides. This television film is in four parts: Part 1: In the Land of Oranges (85') From Tel Aviv to Gaza and then Jericho: the cultivation of oranges, the symbol par excellence of the Israeli and Palestinian agricultural production and exports. The reflection of the residents and workers on each side of what will become a mutual border. Part 2: Political Route (61') The path of political ideas, from Cairo to Jerusalem via Washington. The memories, fear and hopes of the chief participants in the peace process: Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, Nabil Sha'at, Yitzhak Shamir, Bill Clinton. Part 3: Writers Speak (41') With Emile Habibi, Amos Oz, A.B. Yehushua, Nathan Zach An intellectual journey: Arab and Jewish authors discuss the utopian aspects of their work and present their views on how the situation in the Middle East could improve. Part 4: Theatre For Life (26') With Juliano Merr Juliano Merr, resident in Haifa, runs a small theatre company for children in the Jenine camp for Palestinian refugees on the West Bank. When a border guard asks "Are you a Jew or an Arab?" Juliano replies, "Well, it's complex." His mother is an Israeli, his father an Arab. Palestinian actor living in East Jerusalem travels to the west side of the city to work with actresses. |